Texas Association of School Business Officials
Over 5,000 Texas school business officials are connected through TASBO. Risk management resources can be found on their site. A risk management and Safe Schools committee hold regular meetings and plan sessions for events throughout the year.
1-800 Wheelchair site for Bullying Prevention
Here’s an information portal that is easy to use and very comprehensive.
Best Practices in Bullying Prevention - State of Maine
This is the State of Maine’s Best Practice website is a very good resource.
School Districts and their risk groups come together for comprehensive school climate improvement.
International Bullying Prevention Association
Materials from the International Bullying Prevention Association(IPBA)
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
A highly regarded Bullying Prevention program, affiliated with Clemson University, that presents vital information about bullying, informs the public of the laws related to bullying, and provides top notch print, online, and video materials on how to thwart bullying and cyber-bullying.
Safe School Ambassadors by Community Matters
Find resources of this national program with a successful model for student empowerment and whole school climate improvement.
Text Messaging Harassment and Other Cyberbullying Resources
Very helpful bullying and cyberbullying resource recommended by a fifth grade class at Cleary Mt. Schools, VA.
Central Region School Insurance Group
The Central Region School Insurance Group (CRSIG) is a Joint Powers Authority formed out of the California Government Code which allows pubic agencies to jointly maintain and operate an agency that serves a common purpose.